Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het toerisme en het recreatiemanagement
International Project ACEEPT
Bachelor in het toerisme en het recreatiemanagement |
2011-12 |
nvt |
TRM_4367 |
3 |
90 uur |
Tweede Programmajaar |
Ja |
Ja |
Ja |
Verplicht |
Punt op 20 |
Ja |
- Gielen Cecilia
- Krekels Katrijn
General basic competences of the first year Tourism and Recreation Management:
- Minimum 45 credits prior to participation.
- Registration ACEEPT OLOD: The international organization ACEEPT has set the number of participants per country on 12. The date of registration is decisive.
- This course is also available to foreign exchange students. 3 foreign exchange students can apply in the group of Lessius Mechelen.
TRM_AC_01 | TRM_AC_01 - Kwaliteitsvol handelen door problemen o.m. flexibel, creatief en nauwkeurig op te lossen. | Elementair niveau |
TRM_AC_02 | TRM_AC_02 - Opbouwen van een kwaliteitsvolle redenering. | Elementair niveau |
TRM_AC_03 | TRM_AC_03 - Informatie verwerven en verwerken | Elementair niveau |
TRM_AC_04 | TRM_AC_04 - Kritisch evalueren van het eigen functioneren, de werkomgeving en de sector in een context van levenslang leren. | Elementair niveau |
TRM_AC_05 | TRM_AC_05 - De interne en externe communicatie ondersteunen en verzorgen, zowel mondeling als schriftelijk communiceren, in minstens 3 vooraf gespecificeerde talen. | Doorgroeiniveau |
TRM_AC_05.1 | TRM_AC_05.1 - Op een genuanceerde en efficiƫnte manier met alle stakeholders mondeling communiceren in het Nederlands en op een behoorlijke manier in het Frans/Engels/Duits of Spaans of Chinees, rekening houdend met de culturele verschillen, nationaal en internationaal, formeel en informeel. | Elementair niveau |
TRM_AC_05.2 | TRM_AC_05.2 - Op een genuanceerde en efficiƫnte manier met alle stakeholders schriftelijk communiceren in het Nederlands en op een behoorlijke manier in het Frans/Engels/Duits of Spaans of Chinees, rekening houdend met de culturele verschillen, nationaal en internationaal, formeel en informeel. | Elementair niveau |
TRM_AC_06 | TRM_AC_06 - Loyaal samenwerken als lid van een team en van de organisatie. | Integratieniveau |
TRM_AC_09 | TRM_AC_09 - Initiatief nemen. | Doorgroeiniveau |
- The students studies how health and wellness tourism is dealt with in Turkey and compares this to Belgium.
- He studies this issue from different points of view and compares his view to the others.
- The student works accurately.
- The student thinks in a logical way and does some background reading on the issue of health and wellness tourism..
- The student makes a one-week field trip to Turkey (Yasar University, Izmir) in order to study health and wellness tourism.
- The student communicates with his fellow students and with the other foreign students of the network in a written and oral way.
- The student takes initiatives and looks for solutions.
- The student is actively involved in the network ACEEPT.
1. Preparation ACEEPT week: ACEEPT 2011 - Health and Wellness Tourism. The following topics will be discussed:
- Health and Wellness Tourism. Case Study: Belgium
- Health and Wellness Tourism. Case Study: Turkey
- Intercultural Encounters
- Lessius Mechelen - Tourism and Recreation Management in a Global Context
- Assignment from Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey: Health and Wellness Tourism.
2. ACEEPT week: Participation to the intensive project week ACEEPT from 20 - 26 November, 2011 in Izmir, Turkey. This intensive week is organized by Yasar University. The common language used is English. The student has take take part in all the different activities: presentations, visits, information sessions. This happens in a multi-cultural context.
3. Close ACEEPT week: concluding remarks, feedback, self-assessment.
Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.
Toledo (Digitale leeromgeving)
- Opdrachten en studiemateriaal op Toledo
- The student must have obtained 45 credits in his Tourism and Leisure Studies prior to participation to ACEEPT.
- Registration ACEEPT OLOD: The international organization ACEEPT has set the number of participants per country on 12. The date of registration is decisive. 3 foreign exchange students can apply in the group of Lessius Mechelen.
- A second exam chance is not possible.
Eerste examenkans | Eerste examenperiode (januari) | Opdrachten | 100% | - Preparation of tasks, presentations, networking
- ACEEPT week: participation to intensive project week in Turkey
- Closing tasks
- Registration ACEEPT OLOD: The international organization ACEEPT has set the number of participants per country on 12. The date of registration is decisive. 3 foreign exchange students can apply in the group of Lessius Mechelen. |