Lessius Mechelen ects

Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in de journalistiek

Internship at supo.be

Opleiding Bachelor in de journalistiek Academiejaar 2010-11
Volgtijdelijkheid op nvt Referentienummer JOU_5491
Studiepunten 14 Studietijd 420 uur
Opleidingsfase Creditcontract mogelijk Ja
Examencontract(diploma) mogelijk Ja Examencontract (creditbewijs) mogelijk Ja
Aard Verplicht Quotering Punt op 20
Tolereerbaar Ja Tweede examenkans Ja



  • Nederlands



    JOU_AC_01JOU_AC_01 - Kwaliteitsvol handelen door problemen o.m. flexibel, creatief en nauwkeurig op te lossen.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_02JOU_AC_02 - Opbouwen van een kwaliteitsvolle redenering.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_03JOU_AC_03 - Verwerven en verwerken van informatieIntegratieniveau
    JOU_AC_04JOU_AC_04 - Kritisch evalueren van het eigen functioneren en de werkomgeving en streven naar levenslang leren.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_05JOU_AC_05 - De interne en externe communicatie ondersteunen en verzorgen, zowel mondeling als schriftelijk communiceren, in minstens 3 vooraf gespecificeerde talen.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_05.1JOU_AC_05.1 - Op een genuanceerde en efficiënte manier met alle stakeholders mondeling communiceren in het Nederlands en op een behoorlijke manier in het Frans/Engels/Duits of Spaans, rekening houdend met de culturele verschillen, nationaal en internationaal, formeel en informeel.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_05.2JOU_AC_05.2 - Op een genuanceerde en efficiënte manier met alle stakeholders schriftelijk communiceren in het Nederlands en op een behoorlijke manier in het Frans/Engels/Duits of Spaans, rekening houdend met de culturele verschillen, nationaal en internationaal, formeel en informeel.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_06JOU_AC_06 - Samenwerken als lid van een team en van de organisatie.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_07JOU_AC_07 - Leidinggevende taken opnemen i.k.v. projectmanagementIntegratieniveau
    JOU_AC_08JOU_AC_08 – Klantgericht denken en handelen.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_09JOU_AC_09 - Initiatief nemen.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_10JOU_AC_10 - Handelen vanuit ethische en deontologische principes.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_11JOU_AC_11 - Handelen vanuit duurzaamheidsprincipes en diversiteit.Integratieniveau
    JOU_AC_12JOU_AC_12 - Gegevens kwaliteitsvol bruikbaar maken en houden, verwerken en operationeel maken voor het administratief ondersteunen van het beleid.Integratieniveau
    JOU_BS_01JOU_BS_01 - Zicht hebben op de brede maatschappelijke context waarin nieuwsfeiten zich voordoen.Integratieniveau
    JOU_BS_02JOU_BS_02 - Plannen en organiseren van journalistiek werkIntegratieniveau
    JOU_BS_03aJOU_BS_03a - Snel en gericht informatie betreffende het onderwerp verzamelen met nieuwsgaringtechnieken en methoden van researchIntegratieniveau
    JOU_BS_03bJOU_BS_03b - Anderstalige bronnen raadplegen, analyseren en bewerken.Integratieniveau
    JOU_BS_04JOU_BS_04 - Informatie presenteren in een adequate journalistieke vorm voor diverse mediaIntegratieniveau
    JOU_BS_05JOU_BS_05 - Eigen producten en handelen verantwoorden en andermans werk evaluerenIntegratieniveau


    The competence to reflect on the societal role of and developments within journalism

    1.    have a commitment to your society/community/audience and knowledge of societal developments

    2.    have insight in the role and influence of journalism in modern society

    3.    be able to develop a grounded point of view on the most important developments within journalism

    4.    have an understanding of the values that underlie your professional choices

    5.    be able to make grounded choices concerning your own development as a journalist

    The competence to find relevant and newsworthy issues and angles, given the audience and production aims of a certain medium or different media.

    1.    have the knowledge of current events and be able to analyse if a subject is both interesting and newsworthy enough

    2.    know the possibilities of the medium or media you are working for, in order to determine whether or not the subject/angle is suitable

    3.    know your audience well and be able to determine the relevance of a subject or angle for that audience

    4.    be able to analyse public opinion and to stimulate debate

    The competence to organise and plan journalistic work

    1.    be able to make a realistic work plan

    2.    be able to work under time pressure

    3.    be able to adjust to unforeseen situations

    The competence to gather information swiftly, using customary newsgathering techniques and methods of research

    1.    have a good general knowledge and societal insight,  especially in economics, politics and socio-cultural issues

    2.    know all required sources, including human sources, reference books, databases, news agencies, the internet

    3.    know how to use your sources and your own observation effectively and efficiently

    4.    have the will and ability to balance your stories by using methods such as check/double-check and balancing systematically

    5.    have the will and ability to interact with your public in different ways, personally as well as with the aid of (new) media

    The competence to select the essential information

    1.    be able to distinguish between main and side issues

    2.    be able to select information on the basis of correctness, accuracy, reliability and completeness

    3.    be able to interpret the selected information and analyse it within a relevant (historical) framework 

    4.    be able to select information in accordance with the requirements of the product and medium

    5.    be aware of the impact of your information on sources, the public and the public debate

    The competence to structure information in a journalistic manner

    1.    be able to use different types of structuring

    2.    be able to fine-tune content and form

    3.    be able to structure in accordance with the requirements of the product and medium

    4.    be able to structure on the basis of relevance

    5.    be able to structure on the basis of alternative storytelling techniques

    The competence to present information in appropriate language and an effective journalistic form

    1.    have an outstanding linguistic competence, oral as well as written

    2.    be able to make information visual, for example in the form of images or graphics, and to present it in all kinds of combinations of words, sounds and images

    3.    master the most important genres, including their style-techniques and basics of lay-out

    4.    be able to work with relevant technical equipment and software

    5.    be able to cooperate with technicians and know the possibilities of their instruments

    The competence to evaluate and account for journalistic work

    1.    have a clear image of the required quality of journalistic products

    2.    be able to give a critical and comprehensible review of your own work and that of others on the basis of that clear image

    3.    be able and willing to critically reflect on and take criticism of your work

    4.    be able to explain and take responsibility for the choices you made with regard to sources, approach and execution

    5.    be able to take responsibility for product as well as process on the basis

    The competence to cooperate in a team or editorial setting

    1.    have good social skills

    2.    be reliable

    3.    show dedication and initiative

    4.    have insight in your strengths and weaknesses

    5.    have feeling for (hierarchical, democratic) relations

    The competence to work in a professional media-organisation and as a freelancer

    1.    be creative and innovative and able to present your ideas

    2.    know your rights and obligations and be able to critically evaluate your working conditions

    3.    have knowledge about objectives, financial and market conditions, organisational structures and processes in media organisations

    4.    be able to evaluate the strategic options and editorial policy of a media-organisation

    5.    know the practical aspects of being a freelancer / entrepreneur


    Students contribute during 8 weeks on a daily basis to www.supo.be, a rapidly expanding cross-media content hub that reaches out to a target group of young people between 18 and 24, presenting a mix of current affairs, entertainment, culture and lifestyle content. Our most important concern is that this remains a project driven by the students themselves and that the students benefit from the project.  In order to reach our target group, more than 100 journalism and media students make video, radio and text reports on a daily basis. Students from the communication department analyse viewing habits with Google analytics and report back to the editors. Supo is steadily evolving into a real company with clear goals for the future. The unique character of www.supo.be is underpinned by the use of professional equipment and workflow, multiplatform delivery and the implementation of innovative applications.


    Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.


    Eerste examenkansTweede examenperiode (juni)Geïntegreerde evaluatie100%
    Tweede examenkansDerde examenperiode (augustus)Geïntegreerde evaluatie100%