Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het officemanagement

European citizenship

Studiepunten3Creditcontract mogelijkJa
Programmajaar1Examencontract mogelijkJa


  • Goossens Werner


  • Hoorcollege
  • Werkcollege
  • Groepswerk


Introductory course
No specific competences required


1.A. information manager
1.1, 1.3, 1.4
the student therefore
- explores cultural differences & similarities in European context,
- acquires knowledge about the European project, the European cooperation &
EU member states,
- efficiently collects and interprets multilingual (mainly English) data from
reliable & relevant sources with the appropriate ICT-tools
- structures, abstracts, manages and presents this information

2.A. multilingual communicator:
the young professional effectively communicates both orally and in writing, he she uses the appropriate channels and has an eye for the target group.
He/she takes care of the follow-up, if necessary.
the student therefore:
- makes contacts in an international context with respect for cultural differences,
- can talk and negotiatate with colleagues in an international context
- presents information he/she has done research on
His/her messages contain accurate, clear and attractive (lay-out) information
adapted to this target group.
- orally reports this information to others

3.C. Organiser:
The young professional plans his/her work, sets priorities, respects deadlines, even when he/shehas to perform under pressure.
- critically assesses his/her own performances & adjust them if necessary,
- plans assignments, establishes priorities & respects deadlines


contributes constructively in a multicultural team with respect for other people's contributions and opinions

recognizes social and ethical questions or issues & takes up a well-reasoned and critical stand


- Evolution of the 'European project',
- Huamn & Citizens' Rights: Council of Europe & EU-institutions
- enlargement of the EU: integration, cooperation & solidarity
- culture & values debate
- migration & 'Fortress Europe'
- Economy & agriculture: Europe as a global player, lobbying
- oral presentation of a member state (group assignment with desk research)
- paper on Mark Leonard's 'Why Europe will run the 21st century'


Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.


  • Why Europe Will Run The 21 St Century Pbk Ed 2005


Eerste examenkansEerste examenperiode (januari)Opdrachten- oral group assignment: 40% - written paper: 60%100%
Tweede examenkansDerde examenperiode (augustus)Opdrachten- written assignments (paper)100%