Lessius Mechelen ects

Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het informaticamanagement en de multimedia

Group Dynamics

Opleiding Bachelor in het informaticamanagement en de multimedia Academiejaar 2011-12
Volgtijdelijkheid op nvt Referentienummer IM_7407
Studiepunten 3 Studietijd 90 uur
Opleidingsfase Creditcontract mogelijk Ja
Examencontract(diploma) mogelijk Ja Examencontract (creditbewijs) mogelijk Ja
Aard Verplicht Quotering Punt op 20
Tolereerbaar Ja Tweede examenkans



  • Engels
  • Nederlands



    - For international students:

    Theory: has to be studied by means of the English book "Social Psychology". Brehm, S. S., Kassin, S., & Fein, S.(2003, 2005). Social Psychology. 4th, 5th or 6th edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company and should be acquired and learned by self-study.

    Assignments may be written in English.

    Practical courses can be followed with the regular Dutch students, coaching and feedback will be given in English

    Exam can be done in English (oral exam)


    IM_AC_01IM_AC_01 - Kwaliteitsvol handelen door problemen o.m. flexibel, creatief en nauwkeurig op te lossen.Elementair niveau
    IM_AC_04IM_AC_04 - Kritisch evalueren van het eigen functioneren en de werkomgeving en streven naar levenslang leren.Elementair niveau
    IM_AC_05IM_AC_05 - De interne en externe communicatie ondersteunen en verzorgen, zowel mondeling als schriftelijk communiceren.Elementair niveau
    IM_AC_06IM_AC_06 - Samenwerken als lid van een team en van de organisatie.Elementair niveau
    IM_AC_07IM_AC_07 - Leidinggevende taken opnemen i.k.v. projectmanagementElementair niveau
    IM_AC_09IM_AC_09 - Initiatief nemen.Elementair niveau
    IM_AC_10IM_AC_10 - Handelen vanuit ethische en deontologische principes.Elementair niveau
    IM_AC_11IM_AC_11 - Handelen vanuit duurzaamheidsprincipes en diversiteit.Elementair niveau



    This course contributes to the following competence areas:

    * To incorporate a multitude of theoretical models and research findings.

    * To shape society and group processes from a psychological point of view.

    The given competence areas are to be realized based on introductory learning

    outcomes in a clear defined situation with concrete conditions and shared

    responsibility. The competence areas are situated in the context as described in 'content'. Final outcomes:

    * To relate, to situate and to demonstrate implications of theoretical concepts.

    * To update one's own knowledge and insights continuously.

    * To contribute to the social debate.

    * To situate the interpersonal, social, group and cultural context of human behavior and to handle this information appropriately.

    1. Knowledge and insight in theory and phenomenons of social psychology and groupsdynamics

    2. Insight in ones own social functioning both as an individual as well as a member within a group

    3. Integration of both knowledge and insight within exercises and practica and simulations.


    1. via book and courses in aula (see content)

    2. en 3.

    - Via selfreflection

    - Via excercises on selfperception and persception of others

    - Via excercises on communication, presentation and listening

    - Via group discussions and role play simulations

    - Via videos and weblinks


    10% permanent evaluation (action and cooperation during practical courses)

    30% permanent evaluation (logbook)

    60% oral exam

    Student must obtain at least  50% of oral exam  and  50% of logbook before docent further evaluates (caesura) Students’ score can increase mathematically if

    - more % in oral exam

    - more  % for logbook

    - more % for action and cooperation during practical courses.


    Introduction: what is social psychology, what are groups, what is group dynamics?

    The social self: the self-concept; self-esteem; self-presentation and self-monitoring

    Perceiving persons: observation: the elements of social perception; attribution: from elements to dispositions; integration: from dispositions to impressions; confirmation biases: from impressions to reality

    Perceiving groups: stereotypes; prejudice; sexism; racism; effects on stigmatized targets

    Social influences: Conformity (Asch)  compliance; obedience (Millgram); minority-majority effects; the continuum of social influence;

    Group processes: collective processes – the present of others (facilitation, loafing); information dissemination; interacting with others (groupthink, polarization);

    Possible extra chapters: communication, cooperation, conflict, leadership, motivation and economic decision making

    Theoretical courses and exam: Dutch Manual is a Dutch translation and print on demand version based on Brehm, S. S., Kassin, S., & Fein, S.(2003). Social Psychology. 4th or 6th edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

    Practical courses: interesting web links and accompanying exercises will be posted on the digital learning environment Toledo


    Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.


    Eerste examenkansEerste examenperiode (januari)Mondeling examen60%
    Eerste examenkansEerste examenperiode (januari)Opdrachten40%
    Tweede examenkansDerde examenperiode (augustus)Mondeling examen70%
    Tweede examenkansDerde examenperiode (augustus)Opdrachten30%