Lessius Mechelen ects

Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het communicatiemanagement

Group Dynamics & Action Learning

Opleiding Bachelor in het communicatiemanagement Academiejaar 2011-12
Volgtijdelijkheid op nvt Referentienummer COM_5459
Studiepunten 3 Studietijd 90 uur
Opleidingsfase Derde Programmajaar Creditcontract mogelijk Ja
Examencontract(diploma) mogelijk Ja Examencontract (creditbewijs) mogelijk Ja
Aard Verplicht Quotering Punt op 20
Tolereerbaar Ja Tweede examenkans


  • Vandermaesen Bart


  • Engels



    Secondary education: social skills:

    I. Aiming to develop relational versatility. The students are discovering the 1 pros and cons of different relationships in various contexts and make choices on that basis. 2 They learn to name and interpret their emotions, express them in an appropriate manner, and  learn to recognize and interpret other people's emotions. 3 They are able to select conscious relationships, taking into account background factors such as situations and partners.

    II. Striving towards clear communication. The students 4 communicate in an appropriate manner: they express their own feelings  and thoughts and interpret and accept those of others, they recognize and deal with expressions of prejudice and unappropriate influence (intimidation, manipulation). 5 Respectfully approach situations from their own and others' authenticity and expression.

    III. Participating constructively in the operation of social groups. 6  Students are helping to formulate and achieve group goals.

     7 They recognize the importance and potential risks of membership of formal and informal social networks. 8 They seek a balance between their own wishes, desires and perceptions, and  group interest . 9 They deal with hierarchy, power and regulations. 10 They commit themselves to take their own responsibility.

    IV. Conflict management and consultation. The students .. 11 have insight into the potential role of constructive and destructive conflicts. 12 They recognize the importance of feelings and body language when approaching conflict. 13 They handle conflicts by their own interests without ignoring the interests, motivations and emotions of others. 14 In case of conflicts, they are willing to listen to others, giving them the chance to express themselves, to respect them and teir emotional limits.


    COM_AC_01COM_AC_01 - Kwaliteitsvol handelen door problemen o.m. flexibel, creatief en nauwkeurig op te lossen.Integratieniveau
    COM_AC_04COM_AC_04 - Kritisch evalueren van het eigen functioneren en de werkomgeving en streven naar levenslang leren.Integratieniveau
    COM_AC_06COM_AC_06 - Samenwerken als lid van een team en van de organisatie.Integratieniveau
    COM_AC_07COM_AC_07 - Leidinggevende taken opnemen i.k.v. projectmanagementIntegratieniveau
    COM_AC_11COM_AC_11 - Handelen vanuit duurzaamheidsprincipes en diversiteit.Integratieniveau


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    Eerste examenkansEerste examenperiode (januari)Mondeling examen100%
    Tweede examenkansDerde examenperiode (augustus)Mondeling examen100%