Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs
Communicative Skills as a European teacher
Bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs |
2011-12 |
nvt |
BALSO_5060 |
3 |
90 uur |
Tweede Programmajaar |
Ja |
Ja |
Ja |
Verplicht |
Punt op 20 |
Ja |
Eindcompetenties Communicatieve vaardigheden 2 en een basiskennis van het Engels.
BALSO_01.01 | BALSO_01.01 - De leraar kan de beginsituatie van de leerlingen en de leergroep achterhalen (voorkennis en gedrag) via raadpleging van het leerplan, observatie, bevraging mentor, en kennis over de ontwikkeling van jongeren | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_01.02 | BALSO_01.02 - De leraar kan basisdoelen, verbredings-, verdiepingsdoelen en vakoverschrijdende doelen kiezen en concreet- operationeel formuleren op basis van leerplan, eindtermen en ontwikkelingsdoelen | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_02.03 | BALSO_02.03 - De leraar kan door attitudevorming leerlingen op individuele ontplooiing en maatschappelijke participatie voorbereiden | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_02.04 | BALSO_02.04 - De leraar kan actuele maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen hanteren in een pedagogische context | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_02.07 | BALSO_02.07 - De leraar kan strategieën inzetten om te communiceren met anderstalige leerlingen | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_06.06 | BALSO_06.06 - De leraar kan strategieën ontwikkelen om te communiceren met anderstalige ouders | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_09.01 | BALSO_09.01 - De leraar kan deelnemen aan het maatschappelijk debat over onderwijskundige thema’s | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_09.02 | BALSO_09.02 - De leraar kan dialogeren over het beroep van de leraar en de plaats ervan in de samenleving | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_11 | BALSO_11 - Taalcompetenties van de leraar | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_11.01 | BALSO_11.01 - De leraar heeft een goede non-verbale taal: hij/zij heeft een natuurlijke, expressieve en enthousiaste houding. | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_11.03 | BALSO_11.03 - De leraar kan gesprekken voeren met leerlingen, zowel individueel als in groep, over onderwerpen die door alle partners kunnen aangebracht worden, en in het bijzonder over leerinhouden | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_11.04 | BALSO_11.04 - De leraar kan teksten beoordelen op toegankelijkheid voor zijn leerlingen en kan die teksten zo nodig via mondelinge en schriftelijke ingrepen toegankelijk maken | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_11.05 | BALSO_11.05 - De leraar kan mondeling opdrachten geven met betrekking tot klasmanagement en taakuitvoering | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_12 | BALSO_12 - Attitudes | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_12.01 | BALSO_12.01 - Beslissingsvermogen | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_12.02 | BALSO_12.02 - Relationele gerichtheid | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
BALSO_12.03 | BALSO_12.03 - Kritische ingesteldheid | Geen omschrijving in gedragsindicatoren in niveaus |
Endcompetences (Teachertraining)
Key Competence 1: The teacher as coach of learning and self-development processes.
1.4 Structure course contents and translate it into assignments
1.6 Select and adapt course materials as a member of a team
- Students improve their language in a school-setting and differentiate their use of language according to the situation in a classroom (Language of instruction).
Key Competence 2: The teacher as an educator.
2.2 To improve emancipation of the pupils by taking into account the own personality of each pupil
2.3 To prepare learning pupils and adults for individual self-development and participation in society by strengthening this attitudes here for needed
- The students are aware of the most common problems in Intercultural Education and are able to deal with it is a classroom-context
Language competences:
The students are able to express themselves using a classroom-register in a fluent way, both orally as in written texts.
Aim 1: conduct conversations with pupils
1.1 The student is able to analyze his own language-expressions and adapt this to the aim and course of the conversation
1.2 The student is able to maintain a good conversation, according to the subject and the contents of the conversation and adjust to the language level of the pupils
Aim 2: To assess a text and make it accessible for pupils
2.1 The student is able to assess several types of texts according to the aim and according to the pupils, the usability in a classroom, and its cultural impact.
2.2 The student is able to adapt and make accessible texts for his pupils by modifying and rewriting the texts
Aim 3: To assign tasks orally
3.2 The student is able to formulate the assignment clearly, adapted to the register and terminology of the pupils, and in such a way that the pupils are positively challenged to participate actively.
3.3 The student is able to see and verify whether the pupils have understood the assignments and if necessary he can rephrase the assignment in a more comprehensible way.
Aim 4: To formulate questions and assignments in writing
4.1 The student is able to analyze which specific questions and assignments need to be expressed and how these need to be formulated in order to achieve his aims.
4.2 The student is able to put into words questions and assignments in a correct and comprehensible way, according to his aim and the level of understanding and reading level of his pupils.
Aim 9: Conduct conversations
9.2 The student is able to conduct affective conversations and takes into account the type of conversation, the aim of the conversation and the partner of the conversation.
Aim 11: Writing
11.1 The student is able to analyze the contents and the lay-out of his message according to the type of text, the aim of the text and the reader.
11.2 The student can write comprehensible and correct texts tailored to the genre of the text, the proposed aim and the readers.
11.3 The student is able to evaluate his own texts during and after writing them on adequacy and literacy and on the effect the text may cause on the reader. If necessary, the student can adjust his texts.
Aim 12: Reading
12.1 The student is able to recognize several types of texts, he is able to do research using various sources and he has the skills to judge his found texts critically on their usefulness and usability.
12.2 The student is able to select and comprehend relevant texts and documents for his functioning at all school levels and for his own ongoing professionalization (Lifelong Learning).
1) Intercultural communication in the classroom, at school and in our present-day society
The chapter Intercultural Communication explores language as the basic “tool” for communication. Students will begin by considering what is meant by the concepts “culture” and “communication” as a way of understanding what is meant by the inter in intercultural communication. We will compare ‘multi-culturality’ with ‘inter-culturality’. Theoretical frameworks will be dealt with (E.T. Hall, Geert Hofstede, David Pinto Willem Schinkel and Marc Colpaert). Students will examine case studies through core readings and analyze a novel to demonstrate command of the dealt with concepts and frameworks. Weekly posts on a blog are compulsory, as are comments on each other’s posts; Each post is a reflection on a chapter or paragraph dealt with in the former class. Video-posts also are compulsory.
2) Instruction language
- differences in language register language spoken at home and language in a school context
- screening and adapting own class material
This chapter is concerned with language as it is used by the teacher, as it affects the learner, and as it can function to integrate the curriculum. We will discuss the student-teacher language interaction and analyze the importance upon student learning of the languages used by the classroom teacher. Specific topics examined are the kinds of questions put forth by the teacher, the participation asked of the pupils, the language used in instruction, the language used in social control, and the relationship of language to other activities and media. We will demonstrate how learning takes place during the act of conversation (abstracts from “Dertien doelen in een dozijn“, where necessary translated into English). Aim is to help teachers of all subjects clarify their roles in encouraging children to become confident users of language in reading, writing, and talking.
Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.
Note for Dutch speaking students:
These lectures will be held in English. However, every student has the right to be examined in Dutch. Please note that papers and assignments will be handed in, in English. Marking will be done on the basis of the contents of these assignments, and English spelling and grammar mistakes will be taken into account to a far lesser extent.
Eerste examenkans | Tweede examenperiode (juni) | Mondeling examen | 60% | | Eerste examenkans | Tweede examenperiode (juni) | Opdrachten | 40% | | Tweede examenkans | Derde examenperiode (augustus) | Mondeling examen | 60% | | Tweede examenkans | Derde examenperiode (augustus) | Opdrachten | 40% | |