Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het toerisme en het recreatiemanagement

International Tourism

Studiepunten3Creditcontract mogelijkJa
Programmajaar2Examencontract mogelijkJa


  • Siebens Ivo


  • Hoorcollege
  • Groepswerk


A basic knowledge of English.


1. Have been immersed into the practical aspects of international travel;
2. Become fundamentally aware of and sensitive to cultural differences that affect travel destinations;
3. Be able to articulate the barriers and motivations of international travel;
4. Develop skills for analyzing the tourism industry;
5. Identify and differentiate tourist destinations;
6. Develop an appreciation for the importance of the tourism industry to the economy of cities, states, and nations.


Using the world as a destination, international and regional travel patterns and perceptions of major attractions are presented. Students will also become familiar with global tourism destinations. The geographical, cultural, and historical factors that push and pull tourists to visit international destinations will be examined. Students will also develop an understanding of the role that tourism plays in the development of nations. Business travel, transportation, incoming tourism and lodging are presented in order to understand the most important elements in international travel. Factors which restrain foreign travel are analyzed. The course will be completed with a review of the most critical ethical elements in tourism.

The course will be given every two weeks one session during evening hours. The place where these sessions will take place can differ depending on the content of the unit and the professor for this unit. Sometimes the course will be given in a conference room of a tourism company next to a visit to that company. The exact data, place and time for each lesson will be given in the beginning of the course.

Knowledge Units:
Unit 1: International and regional tourism: overview, economy and trends
Unit 2: The transportation sector
Unit 3: Business travel
Unit 4: The lodging sector
Unit 5: Incoming tourism
Unit 6: Ethics in tourism and international relations


Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.


  • Cursus

Toledo (Digitale leeromgeving)

  • Opdrachten en studiemateriaal op Toledo


Total marks for ‘International Travel’: 100 marks

Assignments: 60 %
Attendance/in class work: 20%
Final Exam: 20%

The final exam will be a written reflective exercise related to this course. The student will make a paper in which he or she partly concludes:

1. Why he or she has attended this course.
2. What they see as a possible work place in the future.
3. If this future job will have something to do with international tourism.
4. How he or she will use the content of the units of this course in this future job.
5. What recommendations he or she can make for the next summer program.

Also in this paper there will be an extra assignment on international tourism.

The 20 marks for this final exam will be divided in 10 marks for the evaluation of the course and 10 marks for the extra assignment.