Hoofdpagina | Bachelor in het communicatiemanagement
Main marketing and communicative competences of 2COM, and specifically English 3 and English 4.
The students have learned more about six specific subjects within the field of communication management. They have enlarged and processed the information of the six seminars into an individual paper, which they have successfully defended on the oral examination. Finally, the students have also improved their knowledge and skills of the English language.
Students follow six seminars during the first semester. The professor looks for six passionate speakers who have mastered a different topic within the field of communication management, e.g. public affairs, online media and marketing, incentives, crisis communication, ... All these seminars will be held in English, as to attract enough international speakers and students.
Our seminar schedule will be a flexible one. As we try to get the best speakers, most of them are already full-time employed in their field of expertise. Some even come from abroad. Therefore we try to have one seminar (of two or three hours) every fortnight. Mostly these will be held in the evening, for example between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. The initial schedule will be posted on Toledo the first of September 2008. We allow ourselves the possibility to change this schedule if necessary. Students will always be briefed and e-mailed if changes to the initial schedule are made.
Meer info op de cursussen- en boekenlijst.
First examination chance - first period:
Students will be permanently evaluated. First of all, it is very important that they attend each seminar actively, read articles before coming to seminars, ask questions to the speakers ... If a student is absent without a valid reason, the student cannot pass this course. Secondly, each student writes a short individual paper (between four and six pages of text) about one of the six topics. Students hand in their paper at least one week before the start of the exams. Finally, the professor will check the understanding of their paper and the other seminars on a short oral exam. The latter also gives the professor the opportunity to fine-tune the course for next year.
Second examination chance - third period:
Students who were actively present at each seminar, but did not succeed in their paper and oral exam, get a new opportunity. They have to work out a short paper about a different seminar topic. They have to hand in this paper a week before the start of exams. On the oral exam the professor will check their understanding of the paper and the other seminars.
Eerste examenkans | Eerste examenperiode (januari) | Portfolio | | 50% | Tweede examenkans | Derde examenperiode (augustus) | Portfolio | | 50% | Eerste examenkans | Eerste examenperiode (januari) | Mondeling examen | | 50% | Tweede examenkans | Derde examenperiode (augustus) | Mondeling examen | | 50% |